"Nuestra misión es imaginar y crear herramientas que sean capaces de avanzar en las políticas de igualdad desde la cuna, centrándonos en la calidad de vida de los niños y niñas desde el enfoque de derechos, ciclo de vida y de género."


*Innovación en el Contexto Educativo de la Primera Infancia (dirigido a profesionales de la educación inicial)
*Ejes y Herramientas Educativas en la Primera Infancia (dirigido a técnicas y asistentes de la Educación Inicial). Para más información, pulse AQUI


The main objective of the Center for Studies in Infant and Early Childhood Education (CEEII), established in 2011, is to contribute to more inclusive and democratic societies in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean, through research, training, development and distribution of knowledge of infant and early-childhood education.

The work of the Center for Studies in Infant and Early Childhood Education (CEEII) is supported by skilled human talent and experts in infant and early-childhood education, and public policies for integral social development.

Promoting the exercise of the rights of boys and girls, the lines of work of the Center for Studies in Infant and Early Childhood Education aim to extend initial education, validate new models of learning, and design and implement innovative proposals, all seeking to enhance and strengthen early-childhood education in a process that gears towards improving the quality of life for children, within a rights-based approach, life cycle and gender.

The Center for Studies in Infant and Early Childhood Education is located in Santiago, Chile.

Our mission is to contribute to the integral human development of children in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean, through the creation of innovative and alternative solutions, training, studies and research, all based on a policy of equality from the cradle. We advance the social and academic debate on the challenges that infant and early-childhood education, and the integration of cultural diversity faces by means of innovative proposals, sharing of public policy experiences, and the active participation in national and international networks.

Act through three fields of action: advanced technical training, knowledge production and dissemination, networking and advisory on public policy creation and implications.

Generate alternatives to more conventional educational models through programs and research projects of sustainable social and environmental impacts as solutions for problems in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean, and improving the quality of life of children within the scope of their rights, life cycle and gender.

Form human talent -through advanced diplomas- that is creative, ethical and committed to have a social impact in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Participate in research and project creation, expand training, programs, and policy advocacy for the rights of children in the hemisphere.

Led by a board of six professionals and academics in Chile, the Center for Infant and Early Childhood Education is supported by an International Advisory Council.

Executive Director: Estela Ortiz Rojas
Vice-President of the Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI) 2006-2010, Chile. Infant Educator degree. Magister and Expert in Public Policies associated to the initial and infancy education and social policies, drugs and violence.

Director of Studies and Academic Development: Emma Maldonado Gac
Infant Educator degree, Hogskola for Lararutbildning, Stockholm, Sweden. Bachelor of Science in Educational and Didactic Sciences, University of Stockholm, Sweden; Master-PHD (c) in Education Sciences, University of Lund, Sweden. Expert in Education Anthropology and Bilingual Interculturalism.

Director of Environment, and International Relations: Donatella Fuccaro Tellera
Biology Licentiate, University of República Oriental, Uruguay. Expert in Management and Environment, and in Projects and Studies Evaluation.

Director of Design and Innovation: Pedro Andrade Harrison
Architect, University Mayor, Chile; Magister (c) in Habitat in the context of social vulnerability. Expert in the design of public policies in pre-school infrastructure areas.

Director of Planning and Development: Jorge Palma Herrera
Magister in Public Policies, University of Santiago, Chile; Diploma in Public Policies, Universidad de Chile; Expert in Social Programs Evaluation and in School and Pre-School alimentation.

Director of Public Policies and Institutions: Gerardo Vergara Cañumir
Master in Business, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ©Magister in Government and Public Management, Universidad de Chile, Administration Sciences Licentiate, Universidad de Santiago, Chile; Expert in managing skills in educational communities. Experience in administration of Public Policies of the Infancy.

Advisory Board
Francisco de Alencar: PHD, Social Anthropology and Health, Universidad Federal de Ceará UFC, Brazil.
Patricio Donoso Fernández, Master in Philosophy, University of Uppsala, Sweden. Expert in Education and Human Rigts.
Birgitta Qvarsell, PHD, Science of Education, Professor Emerita. Education Institution, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
Birgitta Leander: PHD, Anthropology, Uppsala, Sweden y PHD, Latin-American History, Madrid, Spain, Consultora UN / UNESCO, Paris, France.
Gabriella Sieveking, MS in Psychology, University of Connecticut, USA, Universidad de Ecuador.
Gunilla Hallden PHD, Science of Education, Stockholms University. Professor at the Department of Child Studies, Linköping University, Sweden.
Leonardo Martínez Acchini PHD, Linguistic Anthropology, Conservation, Development and Environment, University of Florida, USA, academic of Universidad Mayor, San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
Fernando Salmerón: PHD, Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, USA, National Coordinator for Intercultural Bilingual Education. Ministry of Education, DF Mexico.

For more information, please send an email to:
[email protected]

Centro de Estudios en Educación Inicial e Infancia 
Av. 11 de Septiembre N° 1881, oficina N° 1620 - Providencia - Santiago - Chile.
Fono: (56) 2-4405123. 
Mail: [email protected]
"Hemos llegado a la etapa final de este significativo Diplomado, abordamos temas emergentes y significativos presentes en la etapa pre escolar y en nuestra sociedad, cada modulo estudiado nos entregó la posibilidad de llevarlos a la práctica con ejemplos, planificaciones, proyectos, trabajos e ideas varias, hemos finalizamos con innovadoras ideas las cuales sin duda aplicaremos en nuestro quehacer diario, para lograr niños y niñas con aprendizajes significativos y alejados de la vulnerabilidad. Muy agradecidas”. Michelle Arcaya e Ivania Miranda. Febrero 2012, Antofagasta, Chile.
“Gracias por todo, fue una experiencia super positiva y exitosa para nosotras en lo personal como en lo profesional. Es una modalidad de trabajo y a la vez una forma de perfeccionamiento ideal para la mujer que trabaja y es jefa de hogar. Muchas gracias a los docentes por el apoyo incondicional”. Maritza Flores y Monica Pineda. Febrero 2012, Antofagasta, Chile
“Al finalizar el Diplomado quisiéramos destacar lo importante que fueron cada uno de los módulos con sus ejercicios y la respuesta que recibimos de parte de nuestros tutores, que siempre demostraron interés y fueron positivos frente a los trabajos presentados , lo que nos incentivaba a seguir trabajando en ellos y poner en práctica lo aprendido en nuestras prácticas pedagógicas. Destacamos las palabras de estimulo de la coordinadora del Diplomado, como de los docentes durante todo su desarrollo. GRACIAS” Nora Olivos y Teresa Volta, Febrero 2012, Antofagasta, Chile.